Daily Reflection Survey

Daily Reflection Survey

Today I...
Statement Personal Work
Laughed a lot
Learned new things
Made time for breaks or refreshing experiences
Left self open to adventure and potential growth experiences
My skills were a match for my challenges - challenges felt manageable and interesting
I achieved flow - I felt so fully present, so focused on what I was doing that I lost track of time
I was satisfied with my personal relationships (family/friends, colleagues/network)
There was relationship growth, I felt positive when thinking about the future
If looking for a relationship, I felt like I made progress toward a positive outcome
I felt healthy
I felt great about how my body looked
I felt great about how my body functioned
I felt great about my home or work space physically
I felt great about my home or work space emotionally
I was happy with how much money I made, or was hopeful about future earnings
I was happy with how much money I saved
I was happy with how I spent my money
I felt great about day-to-day achievements
I hit or exceeded my goals
I felt satisfied with how I spent my time
Whatever time management system I used worked well
I felt connected - spiritually or otherwise - to something larger than myself
I felt awe, gratitude, or compassion
I made progress in my hopes, dreams, and listening to my "inner voice"
If I have a bucket list, I made progress on it during this period
I felt satisfied with my life overall
I felt satisfied with my accomplishments
I felt satisfied with my progress toward goals
There was little I would change about how I was living

What percent of today's goals did I hit?


What goals or interventions worked? What didn't? What will I carry forward?

What goals will I reach by the end of tomorrow?

Goals for the Year

Tip: Take a screenshot of your goals section, print it, and post it somewhere prominent where you can see it daily! This will help you stay focused and motivated!